Montana’s Smith River is the state’s only permitted river, and for good reason. The big, brown, beautiful rainbow trout that call it home make for out-of…
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It’s often said that anyone who has visited Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario is in for a disappointment when they get to heaven. And that may be tr…
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February 15, 2016, in Juneau, Alaska, was a brisk but sunny winter day, so I decided to fly my small bush airplane to the Gulf of Alaska coast, at least 1…
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Team Rubicon (TR) is an organization uniting military veterans with first responders, dedicated to serving displaced victims of disaster and bridging t…
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Backcountry hunting is an exciting and rewarding way to experience the hunt. It offers longer seasons, greater abundance of tags, and more generous anima…
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It’s a cold fall morning in Northern Wisconsin as the five of us make our way through the grey. Dad leads, my two brothers and I follow, each carrying a g…
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The List
This is the standard equipment in my backpack when I take to the field. Many of these items are basic needs, as I never know what I will run into when in t…
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Some would ask what a public land elk hunter has in his day pack for elk hunting. I am amazed at the interest people show in my pack contents. Given how import…
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As a best-seller for 25 years, the iconic Gator line has earned a place in Gerber’s storied history as the benchmark against which all other hunting k…
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