Just over a year ago, one of Oregon’s most scenic areas, the Columbia River Gorge, was razed by a wildfire that covered nearly 49,000 acres and burned just under three months before being declared 100 percent contained.
Gerber’s CUT [Community Unity Team] had an opportunity to partner with local organization Trail Keepers of Oregon in October to help rebuild one of the hiking trails destroyed by the fire. The team covered roughly 300 feet of Trail 400, “duffing” the trail with a variety of tools to take out rocks and plants to expose the mineral soil that will eventually make up the trail tread. The team also went back over areas previously duffed to shape out the proper trail width, grade, and tread in order to leave a safe hiking trail that allows water runoff without issue.
Huge thanks to the Gerber team that came to help on Saturday as well as to the Trail Keepers of Oregon for sharing ways in which we can all be active stewards in trail restoration/maintenance.