We arrived in Texas with some promising leads from a young man we met named Gene. He had grown up in the area and said that everything there was bigger, including the supply of Trouble. We maneuvered the Black Boar along frontage roads and remnants of the historic Route 66 feeling optimistic about the inside information we carried with us.
When we got deeper into Texas our positive attitudes turned to doubts after our excursions on the open range only led us to unmanned oil rigs, tumble weeds, and road kill. Some of the men started to become distraught as nothing we came across showed the faintest hint of Trouble. We started to question our own instincts, and one of the men accused Gene of sabotage. Was this the end of the line? Had Trouble bested us long before our final destination of New York? We came to the conclusion that Trouble was merely testing our mettle. Our path was turning into a thousand mile stare, and we needed to pull over and reassess our plan of attack.
We were nearing the metropolitan area of Dallas so we pulled off to look at our maps and consume a few canned beverages. A group of unusual men saw us charting our new route atop of the Black Boar and asked us if we were lost. They were musicians from the band Child Bite and they were on their own tour across the country.
We shared a few of our refreshments with them, and they shared with us tales of Trouble from their home in Detroit that we’re not comfortable repeating for obscenity reasons. The more we talked we learned how much we had in common. They moonlighted as post apocalyptic zombie hunters and were big fans of the Gerber blades that go along with that line of work. They gave us some pointers, insisting that Hollywood oversimplifies what it takes to bring down the undead for good. Child Bite also gave us some direction on our search for Trouble. That if we really wanted to find Trouble in Texas, then we needed to start going where the action was. Their fresh set of eyes was exactly what we required to see things in a different light.
There is never a single answer, but it was very possible that we were just searching in the wrong places. It was time to cowboy up, and head into the city. Hello, Trouble. We’ll be with you soon.