Tale from the Street – Everyday Heroes Save a Life with a Little Help from a Gerber Knife

In today's fast paced world, where negative headlines seem to dominate the stage, every once and a while a story breaks that brings a smile to your face.  This is one of those stories….

Two Illinois men were recently recognized with Citizen Lifesaving Awards after rescuing a fellow motorist who was injured in a crash. Dan Narciso, a professional stuntman, and James Halterman, a National Guard veteran with three tours of Afghanistan under his belt, pulled David Kieffer from his cripled vehicle with the help of Halterman's Gerber Covert 154CM knife.  Police stated that Kieffer likely would not have survived without the help of the men who pulled him from his vehicle.

Halterman's knife was completely burned in the fiery crash but Kieffer sent us what remained of the knife and followed up with customer service on the tale.  As a token of appreciation we at Gerber framed the burned knife with a message of thanks for his heroism. The frame and new knife were presented to Halterman at the ceremony last week.

Full story here.  Hats off gentlemen!