The Military Times (62,000 circ.) got a sneak peak of the new Gerber drop-holster knife. Here’s what they said:
"Gerber drop-holster knife. This one’s so new that there’s only one prototype model — and we got a sneak peek. Gerber designed this knife and sheath to attach to a pistol drop holster after hearing from a Marine in Iraq who needed both his knife and pistol within easy reach for crowd-control situations. Expect to see this one come out some time in the spring and sell for under $100. Keep your eyes out for it at http://www.gerbergear.com."
Read the entire article: http://www.marinecorpstimes.com/offduty/technology/online.gearguide.knives2.12/
Watch the slideshow here: http://www.marinecorpstimes.com/projects/2007_01_shotshow/knives/